Jorge Gutman Shares Tips for a Safe Scuba Diving Adventure

Jorge Gutman is a licensed and professional general contractor who has more than thirty years of construction management experience. However, in his free time, Jorge Gutman enjoys going scuba diving.
As a certified diver with more than 35 years of diving experience, Jorge Gutman knows exactly what it takes to complete a safe dive, especially when potentially dangerous sea creatures (e.g., sharks, stingrays, etc.) are present and cautions new divers to adhere to safe diving practices.

When diving among sharks, it is of paramount importance to keep one’s distance and to resist any urge to make sudden or unexpected underwater movements that may draw attention to or create confusion for underwater creatures. Further, Jorge Guzman stresses that it is critical to remain calm at all times. Additional advice for new divers is to never follow nearby sea animals and always avoid wearing shiny or brightly colored clothing while you are in the open water.


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